It's Blogging-Day #2. I've been busy today, so I'm a little late with the post today. My husband has fallen asleep in his recliner and left the TV on some stupid show called "I Want That". I hate that. Do your parents watch stupid TV shows then fall asleep and you don't want to get up and get the remote so you just let the stupid show play and complain about it the whole time??? Yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now.
Anyhoo, I thought that if you're having trouble coming up with something to write about that I'd leave you a writing prompt just to get your juices running. Here it is:
~write about your favorite local place or about the qualities of your town or neighborhood.
I'm not sure I have one of these in L-town--a favorite place, I mean. I used to hang out at that coffee shop in town that didn't last long (Witches' Brew). When it closed, I started hanging out at 36th Street Bakery, but it closed during the summer. I keep asking Kev to start us a bookshop/coffee shop. I wish a Starbucks would open here, but I'm not holding my breath. So when I think about hanging out in L-town, I don't. I hang out at the Barnes & Noble either in Hickory (my favorite) or at Birkdale in Huntersville. I can drink coffee, read books, make up stories about the other people who hang out there, and be totally jealous of those folks who can go there every single day.
Where do you hang out??
“There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.”
—Ursula K. LeGuin
“Quantity produces quality. If you write only a few things, you’re doomed.”
—Ray Bradbury
***NOTE: Please link your specific URL in the COMMENTS section. I'll add our site to the national site around 10:30.
Bye bye deck
Ashley Webb's blog for 03/02/13
My blog was about my AMAZING WEEKEND!