
Thursday, February 21, 2013


Okay, my little kiddoes....I grabbed the logo for our blogging experience. The chicks over at the Two Writing Teachers blog always create cool pics for this event. I like this one because of the butterfly at the bottom. Didn't notice it? Well, look closer!

I have to say that I'm terrified that no one will blog. I'm afraid that you'll forget me, and you'll go "Oh, blogging's just stupid", and you'll go around telling all your friends that I'm such an easy teacher because I don't grade.

Hopefully my fears will be laid to rest, and one day you'll come in with questions and excitement about your topic. And ask me if I've read your blog yet. Maybe even be upset if I haven't seen it. But then you'll speed to the computer, pull up your blog and make me read it "Right, now, Mrs. McCabe!!"

I can't wait for that day!!


  1. That is funny because today I almost asked you if you had read my blog yet. :) You should not worry we could never forget you not because you are an easy teacher, but because the way you teach. You are deffinately one of those teachers that will always be remebered because you have an impact on your students lives. You have no reason to be worried.

    1. Thanks Ariel...this makes me feel better. You can help your classmates by talking about your blog and what your topics are and staying excited!


  2. Yeah, Mrs. McCabe! We would never forget you. I am sure that the class will eventually learn to love blogging and realize how important it is in our writing.

    1. Lydia...I hope others in the class catch your enthusiasm! Talk to your friends about your writing and where you're finding topics; I'm sure that will help.
