
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SOLSC 3.13.13

I'm behind reading your blogs. I know several of you are blogging like all the time & I feel bad that I haven't read them. There are just so many hours in the day, though.

I'm wondering a couple of things though.  Those of you who are blogging, are you getting anything  out of it? Are you finding it easier to find topics? If you aren't blogging regularly, what's holding you back?

Anyway, we're going to spend the next couple of days writing This I Believe essays. I found one of my prewrites  in a previous daybook entitled "I believe in taking that left turn in Albuquerque."  Needless to say, this comes from Bugs Bunny and I have to write about this topic with ya'll.

I found my favorite opera episode of Bugs, so I thought I'd share it with you.  We're going to write about things we've learned from cartoons, so hopefully this episode will get your thinking juices flowing...


  1. stress

  2. Ashley Webb's Blog for 03/13/13
